Thursday 1 November 2012

Stanley Awards

Wow, only two weeks to go before the Stanley Awards!

For those of you who don't know, the Australian Cartoonists' Association (ACA: holds every year the "Stanley Awards". It is basically a whole weekend event with a Cartoonist Conference on the Friday and Saturday and an Awards night and dinner on the Saturday night.

Basically, ACA Full-Members are eligible to enter the Stanley Awards in various categories. A "Year Book" is produced and all ACA Full-Members have to vote for three choices in each category. An independent auditor collects all the votes and the winners get a "Stanley Award" in the given category.

This year, my cartoons are contesting for the "Comic Strip" category. Needless to say my chances are very very slim as there are some amazing cartoonists in Australia.

You can actually check the "Year Book" online at if you want to see some amazing artwork by the ACA Members.

The "Stanleys" are held in Newcastle (Australia) this year on the 16th and 17th of November. The full program can be found here:

A large proportion of Australian cartoonists are attending as well as a few cartoonists coming from overseas. It is always a great weekend, where you meet amazing people.

I'll be there!

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